About Our Company
About Designer Vertical Gardens
With our years of experience in the live plant industry, you would be forgiven for asking the obvious question. Why did we found Designer Vertical Gardens, a company that specialises in indoor and outdoor artificial green walls, artificial hedges and plants?
The simple answer is our passion for nature
We wanted the beauty of plants and vertical garden design to be accessible to everyone. Especially those who lack the skills, confidence, space, money or time to grow their own. This mission has led us to become pioneers of the artificial plant industry - a position we take very seriously.
Whether you’re after a vertical fake garden wall, hedge fence panels for privacy or a gorgeously evergreen no fuss hanging fern, we’ve got the perfect item just for you. And unlike other suppliers in Australia, we’re committed to ensuring that:
- Our products never crack, fall apart, fade or discolour. We use only the highest quality materials on the most durable backings so that they will last and last. We never spray on our range’s UV protection afterwards, but instead insert and blend it during production. This means they’ll stand up to the harsh Australian sun, backed up by our no fade and crack 5 year guarantee, and further verified by independent testing and reports.
- We’ll exceed your expectations. Thanks to advances in technology, the days of artificial plants looking, well, fake have long past. At Designer Vertical Gardens we’ve scoured the world and worked with our suppliers so that we only stock life-like plants that will fool even the most green thumbed among us. We’re obsessed by detail and even go as far as individually checking the underside of leaves to make sure they’re as botanically accurate as can be.
- Are plants are designer (the clue is in the name!) While there may be cheaper suppliers, you get what you pay for. We believe in getting you the best product at a reasonable price. Alongside our quality guarantee, we hand assemble our vertical garden artificial plants panels so that they have depth, rhythm, realism and vibrance. Because of this, we know that they will do justice to whatever space they’re in - be this your home, office, special event or restaurant.
- The customer always come first. To us, it’s a simple no brainer: exceptional customer service has to be at the heart of everything we do. We’ll go above and beyond (and even charter a plane!*) to put a smile on your face.
Our love for Mother Earth
Being nature lovers we’re seriously committed to Mother Earth. But wait, aren’t the products made from plastic?
Yes they are, but we’ve worked hard so that all our range - from fake ivy walls to our outdoor and indoor artificial wall gardens - is made from Earth friendly materials. They are all ROHS compliant with no harmful toxins and chemicals added. All our green walls can be returned back to base for recycling into other amazing items, such as pots, furniture and more...
Our commitment to the highest quality products ensures that they will last, so that they do not add to the world’s throwaway plastic problem.
Additionally, Australia’s climate means we all need to make water wise choices to ensure a sustainable supply of water for all. And what could be more water wise than plants that need no water to stay alive!
*True story! A customer called up late in the afternoon from Sydney and required artificial hedging that evening – no courier was going to get it there in time. 3 hours later flights were booked, and our team were off with boxes full of fake hedging – Jet Star staff were gob smacked as carton after carton was wheeled into their Avalon Terminal – a couple of hours later – mission complete.
Well Established & Reputable
Our family run company has global expertise and clients - renowned for quality around the world we have supplied over 20+ different countries and some of the largest businesses in the world.
Certified & Accredited
Our manufacturing facilities perform at the highest global standards, with certifications in quality management, OH&S & Environmental Management ISO standards.
Exceptional Support
Our dedicated team of staff are qualified specialists in customer service, global supply chain management, design and production management. If you ever need after-care support, pre-production inquiries or simply want design advice we are ready to assist.