Retail & Shopping Centers

Artificial Vertical Garden Installation at Raw Edge Hair Salon

Our Client

Raw Edge Hair Salon Northcote takes pride in providing fun and unique professional beauty services in a relaxed and comfortable space. They’ve been in the business for 20 years and they aim to satisfy their clients by giving them a personalized look that suits their lifestyle. They reached out to us to work on the manifestation of a welcoming, attractive and low-maintenance shop design. 

The Project

After discussing the range of options, they decided on installing a green wall in their foyer that not only serves as a stunning decoration but also a space saving divider. Our green wall is opaque enough to allow privacy and aesthetically pleasing to welcome clients - just a few of the numerous benefits of artificial vertical gardens. Read more

Designer Vertical Gardens - The Leaders in Artificial Vertical Gardens


Well Established & Reputable

Well Established & Reputable

Our family run company has global expertise and clients - renowned for quality around the world we have supplied over 20+ different countries and some of the largest businesses in the world.

Certified & Accredited

Certified & Accredited

Our manufacturing facilities perform at the highest global standards, with certifications in quality management, OH&S & Environmental Management ISO standards.

Exceptional Support

Exceptional Support

Our dedicated team of staff are qualified specialists in customer service, global supply chain management, design and production management. If you ever need after-care support, pre-production inquiries or simply want design advice we are ready to assist.