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Beginner's guide to setting up an office artificial vertical garden

Beginner's guide to setting up an office artificial vertical garden - Designer Vertical Gardens

Vertical Gardens are becoming more and more prolific in areas where any sign of nature is scarce. Wouldn’t it be a nice surprise to walk into a room designed with flowers and plants after traversing the bustling city with nothing but buildings and houses? It would certainly feel calming and would help alleviate stress for the day ahead.

Artificial vertical gardens are not meant to impress but to express. Express your longing for nature and a change of pace. Setting up a vertical garden shouldn’t be stressful, to begin with otherwise what's the point right?

artificial wall plants

You can start by locating the best wall in your office to set up your artificial vertical garden. We would suggest a corner of the room near your workstation so you could feel the full effect of the ambience.

The easiest way would be to buy a pre-made frame that you could hang up the wall. You can visit this link.

artificial plants for desk

The other option would be a DIY artificial vertical garden. You can start small and build your way up. Start by building a simple frame that you can hang up anywhere on the wall. You can use materials of your choice from wood to metal, to thick cardboards etc. The good thing about artificial vertical gardens is it doesn't need high maintenance so any sturdy frame would do as long as it is pleasant to the eyes.

hanging baskets

Once your frame is all set up, you can canvas and search for artificial plants and leaves from your local shops and arrange them as you desire. You can buy as many types of plants as you want - mixing bright colours and greens often work a marvel. Remember they don’t need watering so you can go crazy.

If you want to turn your unadorned workspace into a nature-friendly environment without the hassle, artificial vertical gardening is the way to go.

hanging baskets


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