Designer Vertical Garden Blog


Designer Vertical Garden Blog


by David Eden on May 10, 2021
Vertical garden walls are becoming a trend now as interior designers and homeowners continue to use them in many creative ways. Maintaining a vertical garden is easier than that maintaining a traditional garden plot, but still it is not fully maintenance-free. We all know that one of the most significant advantages of vertical gardening is that it makes maintaining a healthy and productive garden much simpler. Worried about how to maintain a vertical garden? Down the hatch! Designer Vertical Gardens got your back. Let's dive straight into the pro tips from our experts. WATERING The same simple watering rules apply if your vertical garden is growing in the field, on the patio, or a wall. Always water at the base because it will prevent fungus and mildew growth. Watering your vertical garden less often, with deeper waterings is better than watering it a little bit every day. To avoid overwatering, make sure all of your vertical planters and hanging pots have drainage holes. Mulching your garden has many advantages, one of which is water retention. Mulch acts as an insulator, preventing moisture from evaporating in hot weather. Using irrigation systems for your garden is the best option when it comes to watering. TRAINING AND TYING Many types of vining plants don't need any support for climbing up but some need to be trained or tied to grow vertically. You can gently weave vines into the trellis if the plants have tendrils or twining stems. Or you might bind them to the system before they grasp it on their own. If required, the links can be cut once the vines have clasped the trellis and reused on new growth higher up on the support. Plants with long, pliable branches would need to remain tied to the support to stay in place. Gently press the stem against the support and tie it on with twine, garden twist ties, or flexible plant ties to train these types of plants. In both cases make sure to tie them loosely. WEED CONTROL Weed control is one of the biggest problems that gardeners face and it can become overwhelming, consider the following tips to prevent it. The easiest way to keep weeds out of your vertical garden is to cover it with a thick layer of mulch. Lay a thick layer of cardboard or newspaper over the soil and wet it down before adding on the mulch for added protection. Proper irrigation can also control weed growth, so always water at the base of each plant. FERTILIZING Fertilizing is an important aspect of maintaining a vertical garden. Many types of plants can do their best if they are fed regularly during the growing season. This is crucial for the vertical gardens growing in pots and hanging containers. Following are the tips for the fertilization of any type of vertical garden. Avoid using chemical fertilizers because they can cause severe damage to the health of the soil. Always make use of organic fertilizers because they are a rich source of nutrients for your plants. DISEASE CONTROL Many disease issues start with soil but in the case of vertical gardens, these issues are minimal but to avoid them completely, follow the tips below. Pruning is one of the most effective ways to keep disease and fungus under control. Mulching the base of your vertical garden plants prevents soil from splashing up on the leaves. This reduces the risk of soil-borne diseases - causing infection to the plants. Plants should be watered in the morning so that the leaves can dry out throughout the day. This will aid in the slowing down of disease spread. Always burn the diseased plants properly to destroy the disease pathogens. Never reuse potting soil in your vertical gardens instead always use fresh soil. PEST CONTROL Bugs can be a more difficult aspect of vertical garden maintenance. Here are a few suggestions for dealing with them. Use physical methods of removing them i.e. handpicking, using row covers, or a strong spray of water from the garden hose to knock the pests off the plants. Attract beneficial bugs like wasps and spiders, they are useful predators that prey on pest insects in your garden. Avoid using chemical pesticides as they are toxic to the environment, instead use organic pesticides like neem oil and diatomaceous earth. Always target the pest insect. Avoid using the broad application. PRUNING AND PINCHING Pruning and pinching regularly help to keep plants safe and control their size. Here are a few pointers to get you started. Deadhead the flowers as it encourages the growth of new ones. Prune regularly as it improves air circulation and prevents diseases. Pinch the plants regularly to maintain their shape. Make sure that you remove the dead or diseased leaves regularly. Always make sure that you sterilize your pruners before using them. WINTERIZING There are a few things to consider if any of your vertical gardens are expanding in portable containers Always store your portable structures inside in the winters. Shift the containers into the garage or shed if you're growing perennial plants in either of your portable vertical gardens. To secure the pot, clean out your vertical planters in the fall. SO CONSIDERING ABOVE THE MAINTENANCE OF REAL VERTICAL GARDEN, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW THE REASONS WHY FAKE VERTICAL GARDENS ARE BETTER? Let's consider the reasons why a fake vertical garden is better than the real one. The fake vertical garden doesn't require maintenance like watering, fertilizing, and pest control. You won't have to think about cutting back vertical gardens because they're evergreen, which means they'll keep their beautiful shape for the rest of their lives! You can easily customize a fake vertical garden according to your space. . Living plants fail to survive in low-light areas of your house, so fake green walls are ideal. Fake vertical gardens are portable, can easily be removed and installed anywhere.   So you got the answer, right? Fake vertical garden and fake green walls are your best options. Visit our store online to choose from a wide range of fake vertical gardens. Read this 5 Reasons Why You Should Consider a Vertical Garden
HOW TO SET UP AN INDOOR GARDEN - Designer Vertical Gardens

Designer Vertical Garden Blog


by David Eden on May 04, 2021
it's more difficult than most people think to get Mother Nature inside your home. Consider this guide from Designer Vertical Gardens for creating container gardening if you want to create a beautiful indoor garden. Decide on a style of garden When gardening indoors, there are generally two types of gardening i.e Container gardening and Hydroponic gardening. In this guide, we will talk about traditional gardening which is called container or pot gardening. Container gardens are a good option for someone who wants to rearrange their plants or want to bring the outdoors in the future. They can grow any kind of plant of any size. Choose the right space Selecting an indoor space that can aid in the growth of your plants is very important for creating a good indoor garden. Choose a location with plenty of windows and sunlight; east and west-facing windows are ideal. Place your garden (container or hydroponic) as close to a window as possible to get more heat and sunshine. Avoid the room for gardening that has a cold temperature because cold can slow down the growth of your plants. Avoid choosing that area that has a fan because it can dry out the plants which are not good. Properly control the environment One of the biggest reasons for planting indoor gardening is that we can easily monitor the environment. If done in a proper way, it can make your indoor garden more beautiful. Generally, you're responsible for checking three things i.e air temperature, water frequency, and soil condition. This solely depends on the system of the garden that you're using and on the type of plants you're going to grow in your indoor garden. There are few tools that you can use to control the environment easily.  Consider using soil heat mats. Most plants prefer soil temperatures of 75– 85 degrees Fahrenheit (24–29 degrees Celsius). Particularly in the winter, you probably don't want your house to be that hot. To solve this problem, you can buy electric mats that can heat pots from the bottom and can regulate the soil temperature.  Get yourself a drip system. Watering your plants regularly is a difficult habit to develop; instead of setting frequent reminders, invest in a drip system. This works in a way that it provides each plant with a set of small tubes and has a timer that switches the water on and off for a set time each day.  Choose a proper lighting system. Though windows provide some natural light, still you are responsible for providing your plants with artificial light. Fluorescent light tubes are usually the best choice because they are inexpensive and provide good results. You may also purchase a special heat lamp for growing indoor plants. Choose your plants Just like an outside garden, there's a huge variety of plants you can grow inside including vegetables, berries, or herbs. Before going to the nursery and picking a random plant, you have to research properly what plant will grow better in your garden. Some of the indoor plants include: Vegetables : Lettuce, carrots, peas, and mushrooms, as well as fruits like strawberries. Herbs: Basil, bay, chives, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, tarragon, and thyme. Flowers : Peace lily, African violet, marigold, begonia, cactus, and succulents. If you're the one who is up for container gardening, then consider the following guide to learn complete details. Choose your containers or pots You have a lot of choices for containers to plant in because you're growing indoors. You may purchase pots from standard garden supplies or can be creative and use old vases or plastic bottles. In either case, consult Designer Pots, we have premium quality pots or planters which are: ✓ Light-Weight ✓ Easily Portable ✓ Earth Friendly ✓ Modern ✓ Weather Resistant You don't need a big container to start seeds, but you'll need a container twice the size of the root ball if you're transplanting a plant. Otherwise, search for a container with drainage holes in the rim, or simply drill holes into any container. Plastic Containers or Pots are your best choice because: Plastic containers or pots are the best at retaining moisture, and Designer pots are your most authentic choice. You can also try recycling old coffee cans.  For additional drainage, line the bottom of your container with rocks; if you're using a wooden container then look for one made of redwood or cedar, which are both rot-resistant.  Avoid using any container that has been handled with chemicals, as this can cause harm to your plant. Create your potting mix Unfortunately, you can't simply take a handful of soil from your garden and use it to fill your containers or planters. Outside soil also contains diseases and insects that can destroy your plant over time, and it is rarely the correct sand/clay balance for optimal porousness. Although you can buy pre-made potting mix but making your own can save you money and ensure the consistency of your mix. You'll need 1-part coir peat, 1-part vermiculite, and 2 parts compost to make your potting mix. Both of these can be found at your nearest gardening store. Rehydrate the coir peat brick by soaking it; usually, these come with instructions so follow the soaking instructions.  Mix the coir peat and vermiculite thoroughly before adding the compost. Worm castings are a great addition to your soil, add ½-1 cup of worm castings to your mix before planting your containers. Set up your garden system You'll need to build a shelving system for your plants if you're planting a big indoor garden. Otherwise, use the guidelines above to choose a location for your container garden. You'll also need to set up your control variables, such as lighting, water, and temperature controls. If you're using a shelving system, hanging fluorescent lights and your drip system on the shelves should be easy. Otherwise, work on your room before all of the components are well adjusted. Heat mats should be installed properly under containers or pots. Buy timers for your light source, heat mats, and drip systems to switch them on and off at specific times of the day. Remember that different plants need different levels of light so group them appropriately. Put all the light-loving plants together and all the shade loving plants together, and then adjust the light accordingly. Maintain your plants You must have to maintain your garden after it has been planted to keep it in a good condition. Ensure that the plants receive enough sunlight and water and that the soil temperature does not fall below 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). You'll need to transplant your plants into larger pots or split them into more plants as they get too large. You can order your new indoor garden pots by visiting Designer pots. We have a wide range of decorative pots from stone rectangle planters to beautiful fresh flower pots. Remove any plants that have brown spots, are wilting, or are dying from the garden to avoid the rest of the garden from disease or pests.  Every few months, you must have to add compost or fertilizer to the containers to help the plants get the nutrients they need. If you have a drip irrigation system, you can add a liquid fertilizer every few weeks to keep your plants healthy.  Set your pots in trays of rocks so that the water that drains out will keep them moist as they grow. We continue our drive towards customer excellence with our highly qualified and experienced horticultural staff, on hand to help with plant-related questions. Create a pretty home for your plants to live in and add heaps of character to your garden with the selection of indoor garden pots and planters. The Designer Pots planters and pots come in a variety of colors, sizes, and materials. So visit the store and grab yours now!
THE TOP 7 DIY DESIGN TRENDS OF 2021 - Designer Vertical Gardens

Designer Vertical Garden Blog


by David Eden on Apr 04, 2021
Finding calm in this time of uncertainty is what we're inspiring from the DIY design trends of 2021. We all want a little break from the noise of 2020 which changed our homes into a temporary workplace. The kitchen became a classroom, the dining room became offices and the bedroom was our escape from all of these. In terms of how much time we are going to spend in our homes this year, will most likely be similar to last year; but we can make some changes to our homes to build a space that fosters a sense of peace and calm that we might be lacking otherwise in our chaotic lives. We hope that these top DIY design trends will inspire you to create a beautiful space that you will love to live in. WHAT'S A TRENDING COLOR FOR HOME DECOR IN 2021? Let's start with the one change that is both cost-friendly and can instantly transform your entire vibe, as well as your mood i.e. Color. This year try whatever color you like the most. Color is such an effective tool in home decor that it can only be used with a carefully planned strategy. Before using your favorite color paint to the large areas of your house, try it out in a small space first, such as an interior closet wall. Always use cool tones in your bedroom and bright, bold tones in your common areas. WHAT IS THE GRANDMILLENIAL STYLE? Well, the grand millennial is a decorating style that is going to stay with us this year. It is a technique of embracing the old style with a blend of the new one. Using vintage furniture and fabric prints and hangings which were used years back, but adding a modern touch to it, to make it trendy is something you should try this year. You can use your old house accessories with a little tweaking to make them modern yet antique. 2021 LIGHTING TRENDS Another trend to adopt in 2021 is mood lighting. In terms of changes, the addition of led strip lighting that changes colors with remote control is common among the younger generation. The light strip is wrapped around the ceiling trim to create different color options according to the mood. Vintage and retro lamps can be replaced by generic light fixtures, creating the "Grandmillenial" vibe. WALL DECOR TRENDS FOR 2021 Using walls to create a change is one of the easiest ways you can do it on an affordable budget. And you've got lucky that we have a range of fake green walls including artificial vertical gardens, hedge panels, moss walls, Ivy rolls & panels, faux hanging baskets, and garden pots. You can make use of all these accessories to make aesthetic walls. Faux hanging baskets can be used in a common room while you can make use of garden pots in your galleries. Fake green walls can be a perfect addition to your balconies were with a natural source of light, these fake green walls can create such an aesthetic look. FURNITURE DECOR TRENDS OF 2021 Nowadays the use of vintage furniture becomes so popular. Choosing second-hand antiques or recycled old objects into new ones is the newest trend. You can blend your furniture decor with a lot of other artifacts. For instance, our garden pots and fake green walls can create a vibrant look around your retro lamps and vintage furniture in a living room. 2021 TRENDING INDOOR PLANTS Indoor plants make it easier to spend too much time inside. Plants have a variety of benefits, including lifting mood, aesthetics, and boosting oxygen levels. Plants are a perfect “neutral” thing to add in an empty corner, a side table, bathrooms, and of course to the home office. Talking about indoor plants, you can make use of our wide range of artificial plants. Faux greenery is making its way into spaces too. Our garden pots and faux hanging baskets can be hanged around the bathroom corner and fake green walls can be a perfect addition beside your bedroom window to transform a dull view into such a lively and vibrant view. THE 2021 OFFICE SPACE DIY DESIGN TREND Home offices are the new normal. Let's take a look at what's trending in the world of home offices. Many of us are now able to work from home. Often you start working on the kitchen table, other times from the living room sofa, and even from your bed! To be productive, you'll need a dedicated work from home space. And from here we come into the picture. Our fake green wall, vertical garden, faux hanging baskets, and garden pots can be a perfect addition to your home office. The presence of greenery around your workspace is very important as it reduces your stress and keeps you calm causing you to be more creative and productive. Every year, new DIY design trends emerge. It's funny how they always come back around. When it comes to deciding what to change in your room, the choice is yours. These suggestions are here to inspire you to design and decorate a home or workspace that you love the most. WANT SOME AMAZING FAKE PLANTS FOR HOME YOU LOVE? Artificial plants and trees are never affected by seasonal changes. Unlike natural plants and trees, artificial ones do not shed flowers or leaves neither do they change in color or appearance. Hence, the artificial plants retain the look in all seasons. Whatever look you give to your house, artificial plants help you retain the same for over multiple decades. Only little dusting and light washing is required to maintain the appearance. Besides, these are made of high quality and long lasting materials which make them water as well as pest resistant. This makes sure that you enjoy your plants all year long without any worry. Look at some amazing and beautiful variety of fake green walls, faux hanging baskets, garden pots, and much more by visiting our store online and get yourself one. Read This Top Trending Commercial Fit Out Trends

Designer Vertical Garden Blog


by David Eden on Apr 04, 2021
This is a known fact that environment and surroundings affect human nature and mood a lot. A good and pleasant interior not only makes us feel happy but also increases our creativity and productivity. So, it is no wonder that an employee who works in a dull environment can easily be drained off with negative energy his interior is evoking. For companies who want to create a healthy workplace so that their employees can work hard without feeling tedious - good interior design should be a priority. So here are few tips on how to create an inspiring workplace so it becomes so pleasant for every employee to work in. Try to have natural light in your workplace Workplaces must have a source of natural light in their offices. You can make it possible by rearranging desks and other settings. Not only does a lack of natural light cause headaches, but people who work in such settings often deal with a general lack of motivation and positive energy, which isn't something good for work productivity. There should be greenery all the way Research has shown that plants can be of great importance in the workplace, as greenery reduces stress and anxiety. But when it comes to workspace, artificial plants are excellent replacement for the real ones. Some people might consider decorative plants like vertical gardens, or artificial green walls as unnecessary items but they are of vertical greater value to everyone working there, creating positive atmosphere around them. Plants enhance the aesthetics of every room while also improving air quality. You can make use of artificial green walls and vertical gardens to create your workspace more pleasant and beautiful. You can have these green walls from Designer Vertical Garden, the beautiful mixture of artificial grasses, ferns, and ivy leaves make it the top choice for your inspiring workplace, making it less gloomy and bare. Try to make your workplace colorful Colors have a lot of power when it comes to creating the atmosphere you want in a workspace. Offices are often dull with lifeless colors like grey and black. Adding a splash of color can bring new life into the workplace and inspire employees to be more creative and productive. You can also add Twiggy Japanese Natural Bamboo Trunk - this exceptionally realistic artificial bamboo is the perfect choice for anyone who loves greenery in the workplace. Always prefer to nurture a community Some people give their best when they work alone, but some always prefer to work in a team and come up with some mind-blowing results. You can use this sense of community in your office design too. Incorporating these areas with good sceneries and with green walls or artificial vertical garden where employees can work together effectively in a good surrounding environment. You can use certain spaces of your workplace to an open office. Think about the health of your employees However, just because the furniture is a comfortable and green wall is there; doesn't mean that it is enough. An inspiring workplace must also consider the health of its workers. Incorporating ergonomic furniture that will not cause discomfort or health issues even when used for a prolonged time, is also very important. The fact that employees spend the majority of their waking hours at the workplace, should be a good enough reason for every employer to do everything possible to create an atmosphere that fosters innovation and productivity. If you follow the above guidelines, you'll notice a difference in no time.   WANT TO RENOVATE YOUR WORKPLACE INTO INSPIRING SPACE? Since artificial plants and trees do not need water, manure, soil, or trimming, they are great for saving water and other maintenance cost and time associated with the natural ones. This makes them the best option in workspaces without compromising on the look you want to achieve with the real ones. So that’s where we come into the picture. Our wide range of fake plants, vertical gardens, and artificial green walls are the best fit for all your trendy needs Read This Enliven Your Office Space with a Vertical Garden
Top 5 Spots for Artificial Vertical Gardens in your home - Designer Vertical Gardens

Designer Vertical Garden Blog

Top 5 Spots for Artificial Vertical Gardens in your home

by Georgina Oxley on Apr 08, 2016
Here are the Top 5 ways you can transform your indoor and outdoor spaces with Vertical Gardens, Artificial Wall Gardens and Artificial Privacy Screens.