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Learn the Top 7 Ways to Create A Relaxing Environment - Designer Vertical Gardens

Designer Vertical Garden Blog

Learn the Top 7 Ways to Create A Relaxing Environment

by Sarang Awaze on Mar 18, 2020
In our fast-paced, plugged-in world, it is easy for us to get stressed and distracted which adds more stake to our health. If you are looking for ways to create a relaxing environment, you’re reading the right article. The good news is, you don’t have to break the bank to achieve a restful place. Your place though has limited space, can be transformed into a relaxing dwelling for your tired body and mind. Here are the seven (7) ways to do it: CLEAN UP YOUR SPACE Cleaning up your space is vital to creating a relaxed atmosphere at your own home. Start small, with a single space like a desk or closet, and work your way up to larger rooms. This might seem difficult at first, but if you dedicate time each day to working on decluttering, then soon you will be able to reap the benefits of a clean, calming environment.    You may opt to invest in a few storage boxes or cabinets to hide away craft supplies, clothes, games or whatever needs to be in the room but doesn't need to be on display. Minimize furniture and accessories to only those things that you need the most. PLACE LIVING THINGS Putting up plants or flowers on display helps us to de-stresses the atmosphere of your space. This is also helping to purify the air. Some great choices include the aloe vera plant, which contains a gel that soothes burns and cuts, or the rubber tree plant, which is great for novice plant owners and has strong air-purifying abilities.   If you don’t have a green thumb, you may opt to use artificial plants which are becoming the norm in the residential home and apartment buildings. It is now easy to look for a realistic faux plant and there are various designs you can choose from. Here are some of the best ones that are simple yet elegant, you can choose from: SINGLE BALL TOPIARY FAUX TREE – you can place it at the corner of your room to add some life in the room. FAUX RED FLOWERING MULTI CANE DRACENA - this eye-catcher has a striking red color surrounded by bright green hues. It is an impressively lifelike artificial plant that will surely add elegance to your room. FAUX WHITE FLOWERING MAGNOLIA TREE- This white masterpiece is a great decoration that is surely relaxing. FIND A SCENT YOU LOVE The scent evokes strong emotional reactions and contributes to the mood of a room. Your relaxing space shouldn't be near pet areas, the bathroom or the kitchen.   In choosing a scent, always avoid those that are too pungent or overwhelming. Instead, focus on calming scents such as lavender, rose, vanilla, chamomile, or sunflower, which have been proven to have relaxing effects. Use scent diffusers, candles, incense or solid air fresheners for subtly incorporating relaxing scents and ambiance. INCORPORATE TRANQUIL PAINT COLORS THROUGHOUT YOUR SPACE Soft colors found in nature are the most relaxing. This isn't the room for brights, harsh colors or shiny textures. Think of the serenity of the calm ocean or sky, the peaceful look of a meadow, or the hush of a foggy morning. Shades of blues, greens, and grays all inspire relaxation. However, if you want to bring nature to the comfort of your own home. You may opt to install a Vertical Garden Wall/ Artificial Green Wall. This kind of design is now trending especially those home that has limited space.   This kind of Vertical Garden Wall is a minimalist yet elegant way that you can use as a division in your own home or can be used as a background for your portraits. Some people opt to have this kind of wall near their coffee table. MINIMIZE/ ELIMINATE NOISE AND DISTRACTIONS While visually stimulating electronics take away from relaxation, music promotes it. During your restorative time, listen to your favorite soothing music. You may also use blackout curtains, double or triple-paned windows. to help eliminate noise outside your home.   Also, constantly checking emails and social media can generate stress, especially if you are a student or employee who brings your work home with you. So, try to unplug in the evenings or as much as you can. LIGHT UP SOME CANDLES Light a few candles to cast a serene glow over your tranquility room. It's a candle's flame that helps to soothe our soul – reducing stress and increasing self-awareness. The soft illumination helps us to calm down and even achieve a meditative state.   Pick scented candles to add to the overall sensory experience. If you are concerned about allergies, use soy or beeswax candles instead of paraffin wax. These produce less soot and chemicals while burning, keeping the air cleaner. PRACTICE YOGA Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines physical poses, controlled breathing, and meditation or relaxation. Yoga may help reduce stress, lower blood pressure and lower your heart rate. And almost anyone can do it.   Do you have any other tips to create a relaxing environment? Share it with us!Read This Indoor Plants & Greenery in Offices Improves Efficiency  
The Top Trending Artificial Plants for 2020 - Designer Vertical Gardens
A Guide to Choose the Best Realistic Faux Plants & How to Maintain It - Designer Vertical Gardens

Designer Vertical Garden Blog

A Guide to Choose the Best Realistic Faux Plants & How to Maintain It

by Sarang Awaze on Oct 29, 2019
I have been traveling in Asia for the past ten (10) days and noticed that usage of artificial vertical garden is uptrend. More and more establishments –mainly restaurants, hotels, and malls were hooked in the installation of the artificial green wall, plants, as well as hedges. Hence, many people in the urban area are also interested to have such kind of indoor & outdoor decors at home. Well, let me tell you that whether you are living in a place with having a low-light and have limited space, premium artificial plants will offer you a great solution for a hassle-free décor. Here’s a helpful guide to assist you in choosing realistic faux plants to help you nail the art of incorporating the underrated, low-maintenance beauties into your home decor. PLAN AND LIST DOWN YOUR DESIRED PLANTS People misjudge the beauty of how decorating with artificial plants can easily brighten your home. You have to list down your desired plants so you can strategically place your artificial plants to simulate the greenery vibes indoors and outdoors. PURCHASE A HIGH-QUALITY FAUX PLANTS Getting the best materials as your décor will saves effort and money. When you go to faux decors be sure to commit and get the top-shelf materials, believe me, this is an investment! This is because their beauty will last longer than you expected. Some best faux are not that expensive, you just have to search properly. (visit this store and maximize their discount Artificial plants ) The best artificial plant can also trick you visitors that you have a green thumb because such kind of plants is realistic. EMBRACE VARIETY OF PLANTS  In choosing faux plants, choices are limitless. One large faux fern and fake ivy with lots of lush foliage will make such an impact in your indoor décor especially if you installed it in your artificial green wall. Whereas, cacti and succulents are easy to keep anywhere in the house, possibly in a bookshelf, coffee table, etc. MAKE IT LOOK LESS FAKE  Modern plastic plants work so well, which is that they mimic the look of certain live plants. If you do still want to keep some live plants around as well, you can also mix the faux plants with the real plants. You can even try using your faux plant outside if you live somewhere with a mild climate. HOW TO MAINTAIN YOUR FAUX PLANTS? High-quality faux plants can’t be withered and EASY to maintain, here are some tips you can use:    Redecorate and re-pot some plants to give it a new brand look. The biggest trick here is to treat your fake plant like a real plant. If you do nothing else, the very best thing you can do to maintain the believability of your fake flora is to keep it clean. Give your fake plants a regular wipe-down to keep a layer of dust from giving away all your secrets. So have you decided to get yourself artificial plants? Contact your green wall supplier NOW! Read This Advantages of opting to use Faux Plants
Indoor Plants & Greenery in Offices Improves Efficiency - Designer Vertical Gardens

Designer Vertical Garden Blog

Indoor Plants & Greenery in Offices Improves Efficiency

by Sarang Awaze on Oct 14, 2019
NOWADAYS, companies are being meticulous in terms of office interior refurbishment. It is not just for design purposes but more on providing a relaxing, efficient and flexible environment for corporate individuals. A green-friendly workplace also boosts employee engagement, concentration levels, and perceived air quality.   Studies have shown that greenery in the workplace promotes positive effects not just for the employees but for the business as well. Here are some tips on how and where you can use ‘GREENERY’ to improve efficiency in your workplace: AESHTETIC LOOK A sterile environment with cabinets, plain walls and documents everywhere are dull. Nobody wants to work in a place like that. Adding Greenery really improves the overall look of the surroundings. TIP: Biophilic designs are now being applied by many artists and interior designers. They integrate natural elements in every design by adding window vines or wall covering in a particular section of the office that will provide fresh and energizing looks. In Melbourne, many companies are having an artificial green wall in their reception area to look more welcoming and retaining office talent. You can also make wonders by replacing the modern chairs in the community area with furniture made of wood. BEING PRIVATE Dull cemented office space is boring and tends to reduce the efficiency of employees. Providing a creative space where employees are comfortable to get their privacy is very important especially if they need to focus on a rigorous project.   TIP: Install a fake hedge wall in meeting area/s or hedge fence panels in the canteen –this will serve an ergonomic division in the desired area. Blurring the boundaries between work and play to make the employees feel relaxed & encourage workplace flexibility. CREATIVITY A study has shown that looking at nature shifts our brain to a different status and makes employees feel calmer, creative and be able to concentrate on their duties. Not all plants fit your work environment. The particular circumstances of your area, such as natural daylight and how it will be maintained, should be kept in mind. TIP: In Sydney, vertical garden design is on the trend. It is used in large meeting places to create an outdoor atmosphere that makes it calmer. You can use artificial plants if the maintenance of real plants is difficult. Artificial plants, such as fake ivy walls are sustainable and can be added to the office aesthetics to make them look soothing to the eye. Also, you can mix both real and artificial plants according to the office design. To conclude, adding green space at work has so many advantages. Plants can reduce stress, make you happier, increase productivity, improve the look of an office, improve the quality of the air and provide comfort. Choose your favorite plants and see how they make a difference while you're working! Whether you just put a few plants on a desk or create an entire green wall, there are limitless options with green space design in the workplace. If you’re considering altering your existing space and looking for design input, contact the nearest green wall supplier!Read This Vertical Gardens: Which Garden Is Ideal for Me?
Health Benefits of Greenery - Designer Vertical Gardens
5 Reasons why you should consider a vertical garden - Designer Vertical Gardens
A Handy Guide for Artificial Green Walls, Vertical Gardens & Hedges - Designer Vertical Gardens

Designer Vertical Garden Blog

A Handy Guide for Artificial Green Walls, Vertical Gardens & Hedges

by Georgina Oxley on Sep 18, 2019
Your Australian Guide To Green Walls, Vertical Gardens & Hedges. In this guide we explore commonly asked questions, and the basics when it comes to choosing your artificial plants. Given the wide range of sizes, colours, materials and qualities available it is important to understand the fundamentals before purchasing your next green walls.  What are vertical gardens? Artificial vertical gardens are made up of a series of fake plants mounted onto a backing material which can be either plastic or metal. The plants and leaves are then securely attached into a floral arrangement made for mounting onto a wall. They are typically modular and are hand assembled into a green wall panel.  What are fake hedges? Fake hedges are made using an internal frame which is the clad or lined with artificial foliage. Artificial hedge mats that come in modular forms are typically used to clad either a timber or metal box frame to replicate an artificial hedge using staples, cable ties or other fixing methods. The fake hedges can then be placed in planters or can be self standing.  How do you install fake hedges? Fake hedges are installed using a clip and lock system along the side each panel. Once clipped together you can install the fake hedge onto a vertical surface or frame using screws, hooks or staples. The panels will typically come as 1m x 1m panels, however, may also come in other various sizes? Can fake hedges be used outdoors? Fake hedges and hedge panels can be used outside, however, if you want to ensure longevity you should only use UV resistant panels. Many cheaper and more common products are not suitable for long-term use outside. Designer Vertical Gardens are UV resistant and suitable for outdoor use for many years.  What is an artificial green wall / vertical garden? An artificial green wall / vertical garden is modular panel with a wide range of artificial foliage attached to it which acts as a decorative wall covering. The green wall is designed to replicate a real vertical garden using a range of fake leaves, plants and flowers. How do I install a green wall? A green wall can be attached to any vertical surface using appropriate installation parts. There are typically 5 steps to follow: 1. Measure the area and determine the number of panels required 2. Join or connect the panels together 3. Starting in the top corner line the first panel up with the corner of the area 4. Screw, adhere or attach the corner of the green wall to the corner of the wall 5. Continue affixing the green wall at suitable intervals to ensure it is securely attached and will not fall or flap in the wind Where can I buy fake hedges? You can buy an artificial green wall from Designer Vertical Gardens online, or through their showroom in Moorabbin which offers a wide range of products from more cost-effective green walls to extremely dense and lush vertical gardens.  What are the best fake hedges and green walls? The best quality artificial green walls and hedges are dense (using more leaves per m2 than others), they are UV resistant and use real leaf technology ensuring the leaves look real, not cheap and plasticity. High quality green walls and hedges will use non-toxic plastics, and extra foliage.  Can I use fake plants outside? Fake plants can be used outside however, the life-span of the plants will vary greatly depending on the quality of the UV resistance. Non UV plants will typically fade within a few months if they are in direct sunlight. UV resistant plants may vary between 12 months and many years depending on the UV quality of the plant. You should always confirm the plants are UV resistant if using them outside for an extended period of time, or use a UV protection spray.  Read This How Easy is it to Install and Maintain a Vertical Garden? Very Easy!
Vertical Garden Basics and What They Are NOT - Designer Vertical Gardens
How Easy is it to Install and Maintain a Vertical Garden? Very Easy! - Designer Vertical Gardens

Designer Vertical Garden Blog

How Easy is it to Install and Maintain a Vertical Garden? Very Easy!

by Georgina Oxley on Apr 19, 2018
The main reason why more and more homeowners are opting for vertical gardens these days is surely the array of benefits they offer. These gardens are primarily loved for their easy to install nature; in addition, maintaining them is also an absolute breeze. Installing Vertical Gardens is easy: Vertical Gardens are made available in modular panels covering an area of 1 square meter. This makes them extremely easy to connect; you will need very little time to get your own green oasis ready. These artificial gardens can be used in different parts of your house. You can install them in vacant corners of your home’s or office premises where plants cannot be grown naturally. They can be used as plant splash backs for your kitchen. You can even install them on the walls of your bathroom to add that special designer touch.The job of installing these panels makes a great DIY project. If you are looking to install the vertical gardens to a wooden fence, you will need a staple gun; for installing them to mesh or cyclone fences, you will need plastic cable ties; and for installing them to a hard surface, you will need nylon plugs or self-tapping screws. Those who are not very confident about using the above mentioned tools, have the option of contacting our expert team at Designer Vertical Gardens for getting all their installing questions answered.Once installed, the garden would have an absolute natural appearance. Each one of our Designer Vertical Gardens is botanically correct; so they would never look life-less or fake. This life-like appearance would convince people visiting your place to wonder how you managed to have such attractive vertical garden. Some might also ask you how those trees managed to grow so fast. Our Designer Vertical Gardens require little maintenance: You cannot expect naturally grown garden plans to be 100 percent weather proof. While some plants you would grow tend to succumb to rain, there are others that are not fond of the scorching sun. So naturally grown garden plants require extra maintenance when the weather conditions are adverse. You will never face this problem if you install artificial vertical gardens in your place. These garden panels are absolutely weather proof; they get UV treated and are rainproof, which means you will not see them developing nasty cracks and getting discoloured even after constant sun and rain exposure. These features automatically make the artificial gardens highly durable. You will see them last for years with little to no maintenance.These gardens will not require you to spend hours to cut and shape the hedges. This means, even if you are not an avid gardener, you will be able to have your home surrounded with luxurious greenery.Another major plus of our Designer Vertical Garden range, is that they are completely devoid of any harmful chemicals such as mercury, boric acid, and lead. As a result, you can allow your kids and pets to play outside without being concerned about any possible health hazards.    Read This A Handy Guide for Artificial Green Walls, Vertical Gardens & Hedges  
Save On-Going Costs Using Artificial Vertical Gardens - Designer Vertical Gardens

Designer Vertical Garden Blog

Save On-Going Costs Using Artificial Vertical Gardens

by Georgina Oxley on Apr 06, 2018
Vertical gardens do not need any weeding, watering, fertiliser application, or mowing. What even makes it more appealing is the fact that it will remain green for the entire year.According to studies done by the BBC, it costs close to four hundred million pounds to take care of lawns and gardens in the UK each year. These are costs that can be avoided by choosing to invest in artificial vertical gardens.Why should you invest in the artificial gardens from Designer Vertical Gardens?The following are benefits that you stand to enjoy from installing our artificial products. 1. You Get to Save TimeIt is estimated that the average individual spends as much as two months of their total lifespan taking care of the garden. This is enough time for a majority of people to do away with natural plants and move to artificial.Artificial plants comes with very low maintenance needs as compared to natural lawns. You no longer need to spend your weekends tending to the lawn, applying weed killers and fertilisers, or worrying about the hedges that have become overgrown.Additionally, you no longer have to spend your time cleaning the floors after the pets and kids have dragged mud from the garden. The time that could have gone into cleaning your floors can now be spent on tasks that are more fulfilling.Our vertical gardens are designed to remain green and neat from January to December, and you will only need to apply very minimal effort. A artificial Vertical Garden Can Assist in Saving You Cash Money and time-saving benefits go together when you have artificial grass installed in your lawn. Even though you will initially need to part with money for installation purposes, you can rest assured that this grass will last for a long time to come.In the long run, you will end up saving money, as you will not need to purchase maintenance products required by real lawns like:• Water bills for water used to water the plants and garden• Lawnmowers• Professional gardening costs• Grass trimmers• Weed killers• Fertilisers• PesticidesFrom this list alone, you can see that there is a lot of money that can be saved when you choose to have artificial garden installed in your home.Low maintenance often translates to the need to have or use certain equipment’s. When you do away with the need to trim, mow, or maintain your natural lawn, the costs associated with acquiring the machinery needed to perform these tasks are also eliminated. You will also not be required to spend money on accessories whenever an equipment breaks down.Your bills, e.g., electrical and water are also likely to become cheaper as you will not have to water your garden on a regular basis or use the garden clippers.Having real plants also comes with additional cleaning costs. Every time the children spend their time in the garden means you will have to clean off the dirt and mud that they bring inside. Purchasing the cleaning products contributes to increased costs. If you would like to enjoy some of these benefits, be sure to get in touch, and our team of artificial garden experts will gladly take you through all the available options. Read This How Easy is it to Install and Maintain a Vertical Garden? Very Easy!
Vertical Gardens: Which Garden Is Ideal for Me? - Designer Vertical Gardens

Designer Vertical Garden Blog

Vertical Gardens: Which Garden Is Ideal for Me?

by Georgina Oxley on Mar 29, 2018
The increasing demand for vertical gardens has led to an increase in the number of options available to clients. But how do you know which vertical gardens or hedges are best for my next project, business, or home? Below, we take a look at the various types that are available and provide you with helpful tips that can make selection easier.  Begin by Asking Yourself What You Would Like to Achieve At Designer Vertical Gardens, we always advise our clients to start by asking themselves what it is that they are hoping to achieve. Are you interested in livening up your living room area? Do you want to add colour to certain sections of your office? Do you want to enhance privacy? Or are you in need of greenery that will not require regular maintenance?What you would like to achieve is critical, as it influences the choice that you end up making.  What Can You Achieve with Vertical Gardens? • Growth Effect—if you want to make it look like there is something currently growing in your home office, consider the artificial ivy. It is ideal for this kind of task.   • Dense Coverage—do you want to add greenery to a large or wide space? We would recommend that you try out the Bespoke Artificial Vertical Gardens. Artificial panels are ideal for use when you are interested in covering a wall with a fresh, bright green colour that not only provides great coverage but is dense as well. This vertical garden is recommended for exhibition displays and yogurt shops. • The Perfect Hedge—if you are more interested in a garden that is well-aligned and is weather resistant, consider the boxwood range. When you have this on display or in your garden, you will no longer have to worry about trimming. The vertical garden comes in varying sizes and shapes to meet all your gardening needs and is ideal for adding privacy to your home. • Realistic Green Wall—the vertical garden is made using a combination of green and yellow mashed up using the latest technology to provide you a perfect green wall. Do not be surprised at your guest’s reaction when they realise that this wall is in fact artificial. The vertical garden panels are recommended for patios, fences, and walls. • Tropical Look—do you love the jungle? You can create your own tropical wall using our green tropics vertical gardens. They are a combination of plants placed together in a single screen to provide a tropical look. You could also add a fake palm to the garden to help bring the space to life. • Elegant Feature Wall—the white oasis is best for that person who wants something that looks sophisticated, polished, and has depth. It is a beautiful garden wall featuring a combination of green plants with delicate white flowers to come up with a feature wall stemming from different exquisite styles. • Bright and Colourful—a spring sensation artificial vertical garden can assist you to add some colour to your office or home. It comes with a light tropical feel which helps you and your clients remain buzzing throughout.   Still not sure on which vertical gardens are best for you? Get in touch with us today, and our team of experts will help you come up with something unique for your space or next project. Our team will assist you to deliver a good conversion that you will be proud of.   Read This Learn the Top 7 Ways to Create A Relaxing Environment
The Modern You: Implementing Artificial Vertical Gardens - Designer Vertical Gardens

Designer Vertical Garden Blog

The Modern You: Implementing Artificial Vertical Gardens

by Georgina Oxley on Mar 16, 2018
Home is where the heart is. A person's garden can tell a lot about their character and personality. Many people create their garden and avoid taking time to examine the details. This is why you need to be aware of these useful and simple gardening techniques. Artificial vertical gardens hold the best solution for a modern and elegant look. Many of these rules below only would apply to REAL vertical gardens, but with our artificial range, anything is possible to create The Modern You. Here are some tips to implement artificial vertical gardens.   1. Decide on a Temporary or Permanent Structure In the situation where you're living in a rental space, don't build for the long term. There's nothing more heartbreaking then putting a lot of time and effort into something and then having to give it up later. Light-weight materials and wheels will come in handy when mobility is a major determinant factor. If you live in a home where your stay is permanent it is preferred to spend more time and money on decorations and heavier objects. With artificial vertical gardens you have the best of both worlds, easy to move and install, so our products will work in any temporary or permanent home. 2. Acknowledge Shade and Sunlight BUT not for Artificial Plants NEVER forget that both shade and sunlight are very important for healthy growth of any plant. In most occasions, hooks are used for positioning plants in various places according to their species. It always pays dividends to do a little bit of research on each plant and put them in areas of the garden which conforms to their growing needs. But fear not, these rules don't apply to artificial plants, they can get as little or as much sunlight, shade, rain, hail or any other season mother nature wants to throw at it. 3. Dimensions of the Garden When it comes to gardening designs, the height and weight of the structures are crucial. Furthermore, the design of the garden must be capable of holding the plants. An extremely low lying garden can get damaged easily while an excessively higher one can present problems when it comes to caring for the plants. Keep them in a good balance and think things through when first installing your garden. 4. Select a Unique Theme Put your creative juices into action here. The theme of the garden needs to reflect your personal taste and preferences. On top of this, it must also complement the interior and exterior design of the home. 5. Designer Vertical Gardens Invasive Plants Designer Vertical Gardens collection can suit any indoor or outdoor area that needs more love and attention. NEED more privacy, add some artificial Ivy to your wall or fence. 6. Be Diverse Never put all your eggs in one basket, be diverse. A few examples, if your living in a temporary residence and need a more vibrant area, UV Stabilised Portable Hedges will add that extra flavour. Also have a bland boring wall? Create an atmosphere with a Artificial Vertical Garden Discs. The options are endless. Keep a good balance and this will ne the NEW modern you. Read This Vertical Garden Basics and What They Are NOT
4 ways Artificial Vertical Gardens can save you money! - Designer Vertical Gardens